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Фирма Патентных Поверенных "Вахнина и Партнеры"

The Assembly of Eurasian Patent Attorneys has been established

With the participation of the EAPO, as well as the Patent Office of the Republic of Belarus and other countries of the Eurasia, the Assembly of Eurasian Patent Attorneys was recently established.

The goals and objectives of the Assembly of Eurasian Patent Attorneys

The main objectives of the Organization are:

  • coordination of the professional activities of Eurasian Patent Attorneys as an element of Eurasian integration in the field of industrial property;

  • assistance in the development of the Institute of Patent Attorneys in the Eurasian region;

  • assistance to members of the Organization in carrying out their professional activities.

To achieve its statutory goals, the Organization carries out the following activities:

  • interaction with the Eurasian Patent Office in matters of certification of Eurasian patent attorneys;

  • development of standards of professional conduct for Eurasian patent attorneys and monitoring their compliance by members of the Organization;

  • training of candidates for Eurasian Patent Attorneys within the framework of the qualification exam program for certification of candidates for Eurasian patent attorneys, as well as improving the professional knowledge of Eurasian patent attorneys on issues of the Eurasian patent procedure;

  • formation of proposals for amendments and additions to the regulatory legal acts of the Eurasian Patent Organization and the Eurasian Patent Office aimed at improving the Eurasian patent procedure;

  • participation in the public discussion of draft normative legal acts of the Eurasian Patent Organization and the Eurasian Patent Office prepared by the Eurasian Patent Office;

  • organization and assistance in the implementation of activities aimed at providing information, methodological, technical, consulting and other assistance to members of the Organization in the implementation of their professional activities;

  • interaction with other associations of specialists working in the field of Intellectual Property;

  • preparation, publication and distribution of periodical, reference, informational and methodological materials in the field of legal protection and protection of Intellectual Property;

  • Establishing and maintaining contacts with interested organizations, including international organizations, in order to achieve the goals defined by this Charter.

  • The Assembly's work plans include many different programs and projects, including seminars and conferences, training of young specialists, and popularization of the work of the EAPO among Russian and foreign applicants. For the successful operation of the new organization, the active participation of all Eurasian patent attorneys is required, therefore we invite colleagues to join the EAEU and take an active part in its work.

Currently, a number of specialized committees are planned to work, which will help organize the work of the assembly in the future and more effectively monitor and develop the new professional association.

In particular, the creation and work of the committee on the organization of events (conferences, seminars, various educational programs for young professionals), the committee on international relations (to work with leading international associations and organizations, to popularize and familiarize foreign applicants with the work of the EAPO), the committee on normative work, the ethics committee are discussed. The duties of the ethics committee will include not only reviewing complaints against members of the organization, but also mediation, assistance in resolving conflict situations, and making recommendations on general principles of ethics in the work of Eurasian patent attorneys.


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