Учреждена Ассамблея Евразийских Патентных ПоверенныхПри участии Евразийской Патентной Организации (ЕАПО), а также Национального Центра Интеллектуальной Собственности (НЦИС) Республики...
Interview with the President of the EAPO on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Organization
"Vakhnina and Partners" took part in the first conference of the Assembly of Eurasian Patent Attorneys
"Вахнина и Партнеры" выступила одним из спонсоров V Федерального Турнира по пляжному волейболу среди адвокатов
"Vakhnina and Partners" is one of the sponsors of the V Federal Beach Volleyball Tournament among lawyers
Interview with the President of the EAPO on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Organization
"Vakhnina and Partners" took part in the first conference of the Assembly of Eurasian Patent Attorneys